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  • Broadcom's NUV-MT - 2mm, 4mm, 6mm SiPMs & SiPM arrays

Broadcom's SiPM data sheets detail key performance parameters of their silicon photomultipliers - a key parameter is Gain which is explained in more detail below.


When a SPAD detects a photon it produces a standardised charge with a very low Excess Noise Factor close to 1. The Geiger discharge of a SPAD is proportional to the applied Overbias, i.e. VOB = VBias – VBreakdown and the SPAD capacitance.


Gain = ((CSPAD • VOB) / e) ∝ ε • VOB
 CSPAD = SPAD Capacitance VOB = Overbias ε = Geometric Efficiency e = Elementary Charge


The gain of Broadcom's latest NUV-MT SiPMs is 7.3x106 at 12V Overbias and even single photon events result in amplitudes of several mV across a 50Ω load.


The graph below shows SiPM gain for Broadcom's NUV-MT technology 

SiPM Gain vs Overvoltage


Bear in mind that PDE, Dark Count Rate, Crosstalk and Afterpulsing also increase with increasing Overbias meaning Noise, Saturation and Linearity are all affected. Therefore it should not be assumed that higher Overbias = higher Gain = optimum performance in any given application.


The correlation between Gain, Crosstalk probability, Dark Count Rate, PDE and Overbias is discussed a new application note NUV-MT Performance Correlation and Broadcom have produced a number of other helpful application notes which can be accessed below. 


adobe pdf icon Broadcom's SiPM Family overview
adobe pdf icon Product Brief, NUV-MT SiPM range
adobe pdf icon A Brief Introduction to SiPMs
adobe pdf icon Working with Broadcom SiPMs
adobe pdf icon NUV-MT Performance Correlation
adobe pdf icon NUV-MT Single-Photon Measurements
adobe pdf icon SiPM Characteristics for PMT Users


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