We offer laser diode solutions from three suppliers:-
FiboTEC Fiberoptics offer single– and multi-channel Single-Frequency Laser Diode systems which combine 1529-1561nm very long coherence length External Cavity Laser Diodes drive and temperature control electronics and, where required, an EDFA.
For industrial applications FiboTEC produce turnkey solutions utilising high power laser diodes in combination with high modulation speed electronics and fibre management such as fibre-arrays.
LDX Optronics offer high power single emitter multimode laser diodes at standard wavelengths of 808, 940 and 980nm as well as “esoteric” wavelengths from 622 to 1800nm. In many instances, where LDX do not already have the wavelength required they can develop bespoke diodes to meet customers’ requirements.
QD Laser have developed a range of Quantum Dot and Quantum Well singlemode laser diodes aimed at Optical Communications, Industrial and Display applications. You can download a copy of QDL's Product & Service Portfolio.
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