LDX Optronics have a world-wide sales & marketing arrangement with RPMC Lasers who have appointed AP Technologies as their UK distributor.
LDX was incorporated in 1990 and is focused on broad stripe multimode laser diodes, offering “standard” high power laser diode wavelengths such as 808nm and 980nm but are also strong in the more “esoteric” wavelengths. LDX have an emphasis on red and IR wavelengths and offers the widest range in the industry, from 622nm - 1.8µm.
Many of the esoteric wavelengths are less robust than the more common 808nm laser diodes and are much more heat sensitive. Heat management of these devices is critical for long-life. Skills from many years of experience are employed in the packaging of these devices.
- Packages - LDX packages 10's of thousands of devices per year. Preferred packages are c-mount and other open heatsinks, but LDX can produce virtually all of the common laser diode packages including 9mm can, TO-3's, the high heat load package (HHL), various fibre coupled and custom packages.
- Lifetime - LDX provide customers with performance data so that they can make informed decisions, including lifetest data on all of the devices produced. Lifetimes range from >10,000 hours for the more common 808, 940, 980nm devices to shorter lifetimes for some of the more esoteric devices.
- Facilities - The LDX laboratories and offices are located in Maryville, Tennessee. The 6,250 sq. ft. facility consists of laser diode packaging labs, lifetest and burn-in lab, electronics lab, a small machine shop and offices. LDX is a manufacturer and most of the facility is dedicated to manufacturing.
- Wafer Growth - LDX work closely with well-known facilities for common wavelengths and with special partners for the more esoteric wavelengths. These facilities use LDX’s growth processes and recipes.
For further information please visit the Multimode Laser Diodes section of our website.