Ultra Violet LEDs emitting below 400nm have the potential to injure due to improper use or failure to maintain a high degree of care in the use of these products:-
- UV LEDs emit intense UV light during operation.
- Do not look directly into a UV LED while it is in operation, as it can be harmful to the eyes, even for brief periods.
- If it is necessary to view a UV LED, use suitable UV filtered glasses or goggles to avoid damage to the eyes.
- Avoid any direct eye exposure to the emission of a UV LED.
- Keep UV LEDs and products containing them out of the reach of children.
- If several UV LEDs are used together and/or at high output operation, avoid prolonged exposure to skin or other tissue.
- Take appropriate precautions, including those above, with pets or other living organisms that might suffer injury or damage from exposure to UV emission.
APT and our suppliers assume users of UV LEDs have educated themselves on issues surrounding their use and accept no responsibility for any injury arising from improper or careless use.